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Choosing a credit repair company should be done carefully.  99% of the credit repair companies you see online are fraudulent.  The letter you see in this post was created by a competitor of ours prior to the customer coming to us instead.  It was a letter that was returned to them as a result of being undeliverable for one reason or another.

If you are looking to choose a credit repair company to help you, here are some tips before you sign up for services:

1) Research them.  Look for opinions and write-ups.  Also, look at their relationships.  Do they work with banks, lenders, and other larger, more established companies?

2) Don’t Pay Up Front.  It is illegal to have to pay for services before services are rendered.

3) Don’t Believe the Hype.  If they promise you a specific score or 100% deletions they are lying.

4) Avoid Contracts.  If you have to stay with them for a specific amount of time, let that time be zero.

5) Stay Local.  We recommend working with someone that is local.  This also refers to where the work is done, not just the sale.  Many credit repair companies refer their work to other companies like Lexington Law or other credit letter mills in other states or countries.

Understand that credit repair is not about “getting over”, it’s about getting through financial difficulties.  Yes, you want a better score, but you also want a company that can help you help yourself into not being a repeat customer.

Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta.

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