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Staying on Budget

Say what you will about the shopping habits of men versus women, but there is something to be said about the stereotypical man-shopper.  In the action plan of all our customers, we try to determine how much is spent monthly. Here are a few of the positive tips we can learn from the stereotypical man-shopper.

Start with a list.  

Send a man to the store without a SPECIFIC list, you may end up with butter instead of margarine or baking soda instead of baking powder.  The concept of shopping for specific items only and sticking to a list is a great way to curb compulsory buying.

We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Cart

Buying studies have shown that shopping with a cart will increase your purchases by 30% or more for no other reason than your capacity to walk around with more items.  Want to stick to a few items?  Don’t use a cart.

Grrrr…MEAT…and potatoes

Sometimes focusing on high protein, unprocessed foods are not only healthier but less expensive than the boxed, ready-made foods.  Eating unhealthy, fast food is actually cheaper than eating healthily if you are buying ingredients to make a single meal.  If you buy ingredients with several meals in mind, like bulk meat, the cost per meal is significantly less.

OK- There’s No More Elastic in that Underwear

When a man commits to an outfit, it is a relationship that will endure.  Making sure that you are listening to your feelings of buyers remorse is important.  If you are not happy with a purchase, promptly return the item for one you are happier with to prevent a closet full of still-tagged clothes that are waiting to come back into style.

Make the Choice.  Make the Change. Delta.

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