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So far BaR Admin has created 7 blog entries.

Five Scary Facts About Money

Sometimes fact is scarier than fiction. The next time you pull out that dollar bill, you may want to take some of this information into consideration.  Whether its the money itself or the way we handle it, there are some surprising statistics at play.  Perhaps understanding them upfront is a good idea. #1 The Flu is [...]

The Secret To Credit Repair

We are repeatedly asked, "What is the secret to fixing credit".  The answer is, always and unequivocally, found in one's bank statements.  The cornerstone of any credit repair process is not in the credit report itself.  The credit report is simply a report card of the behaviors that led to the information being reported.  How you [...]

Florida Nurses! Listen to this…

Florida Nursing Loan Forgiveness Program In an effort to encourage qualified nurses to employ themselves in our state, the Florida Legislature established the Nursing Student Loan Forgiveness Program (NSLFP) in 1989.  This little-known program will pay up to $16,000 in student loans ($4,000 per year for four years). Be advised that there is a finite [...]

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