About Michael Holmes

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So far Michael Holmes has created 4 blog entries.

Don’t Crash AND Burn

  So You Have a Note and No Car...   If you have found yourself in a car accident and the car is totaled, you may not see the immediate importance of paying on the existing car note since the auto insurance is going to pay it off.  You need to make sure that you [...]

Medical Balance Billing: The Mr. Bill Show Got Cancelled

If you have Medicare or Medicaid, you may not be responsible for remainder bills for hospital stays. Further, if you visit a hospital that is in your network, but receive services from an out-of-network physician, the overage that the out-of-network physician charges you may be limited to the cost that would be assessed by an [...]

Invest for Interest

The Gift That Keeps On Giving. As we head into a new year there is the inevitable buzz about new year resolutions.  Some of the resolutions are specific, like “reducing my $10,000 of debt”.  Sometimes the goal is a little vague like, “getting myself in shape”.  What we have discovered is the best resolution you [...]

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