Credit Education and Resource Links
Information is power and financial information is your key to successfully attaining financial freedom. We’ve put the most important facts and links to find more information all in one place for you. Bookmark this page and come back anytime you need to look up something you are unclear about. If you have any questions or trouble understanding the laws and regulations around credit and consumer rights, reach out to us. We are here for you.
We hope to be your financial advisors so we can help you gain the financial freedom you deserve, but if you decide to use another company, firm, or accountant, be sure to come here and double check what they tell you so that you are informed and not at the mercy of other people. Even the most reputable seeming professionals can make mistakes or steer you in the wrong direction.
Make the Choice, Make the Change, Delta.
Consumer Rights
You have rights as a consumer and they have rules being debt collectors that protect you.
Some of these protections are in the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act.
NO calls to you before or after 9AM/9PM
NO calls to your cell phone
You have a right to validation of the debt through the debt collector.
You have the right to force debt collectors to stop calling you.
You are protected from suit once the charged off account reaches a certain age.
Helpful Links
You consumer rights, consumer protection, debt collector rules, and much more information about credit can be found here.
If you need help navigating the legal documents or understanding any of this information, please give us a call at 813-567-5855.
Make the Choice. Make the Change. Delta