Sleep is one thing- finding rest is another.
Every March, we set our clocks back an hour. While that is probably the ONLY time many of us get to “sleep in”, there are, perhaps other, more constructive ways to spend that hour. Here are some suggestions:
Create A Budget.
The first step our customers take in credit repair is establishing a budget. Now is a perfect time to get this in place before 2017. By establishing a roadmap for the new year you are more inclined to be a success financially. As my father would say, “If you fail to plan, to plan to fail.” Use this our to create a financial action plan to get you through the holidays and into the new year.
One of the largest categories in a budget is in the regularly recurring “negotiable” items in your budget. These are things like cell phone service, car insurance, and cable. They are all things we need, but how much we spend is negotiable. Use this time to permanently lower the cost of one of these expenses.
Honey Do
How long has that garbage disposal been busted? Use this hour to get an appliance in your home serviced. This could be the air conditioning unit, the refrigerator, even the car. By maintaining these items we prevent having to replace them at a much larger cost down the road.
Read Your Pay-stub & Bank Statements
While it isn’t Shakespeare, there is a lot of quality reading in your bank statements and pay-stubs. You can use this hour understanding more about how much money you earn and how it is spent. To figure out where you are going financially, you have to know where you stand. You may find you want to tweak how your money is being handled.
Spend the Hour In Love
We have a motto: Pay Less Money, Spend More Time. Sometimes we don’t realize what we have until it’s gone. Use this hour making sure the loved ones in your life know how you feel. Keep it simple- take a walk, watch the sunset, play Uno, go to the drive-in. Love doesn’t cost money, and it won’t buy you anything worth having in this department. Spend this hour- it’ll be the best investment you may have made all year.