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Employing Your Money

With any business there are employees.  Sometimes these employees take on different forms.  Your technology and your money can both serve as employees.  They can both earn capital for your business, and for that matter, your home is no different if you think of your home as a business.

Make sure that you are maximizing the potential your cash assets have to offer.  Look at what revenue your money can generate.  This could be in the way of reward points by converting to a credit-based spending pool, investing stagnant cash assets, or investing in other widget-based (non-service related) revenue streams.

If you are telling yourself, “I don’t have stagnant cash”, then we encourage you to create a systematic savings mechanism to slowly accumulate cash.  This financial safety net will protect you from the inevitable shortcomings you will have in your business or in your household, and later serve to propel you when an opportunity comes around.

Start with 10%.  Don’t be tempted to put more when you happen to get an extra bonus or sale- let that fuel your day-to-day things.  Just stick to a plan of a consistent 10%.  You will be glad you did and happy with the results by the time you really do need it.

Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta. 

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