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Seeing Is Believing

Giving Perspective on Credit  We are often asked, "What can I do to raise my score?" The answer is that having a high score relies to two thing the bureaus must see on your report. 1) Positive Credit Payments 2) The Absence of Negative Credit Payments It's just that simple. If you have nothing good [...]

Employee of the Month: Your Savings

Employing Your Money With any business there are employees.  Sometimes these employees take on different forms.  Your technology and your money can both serve as employees.  They can both earn capital for your business, and for that matter, your home is no different if you think of your home as a business. Make sure that [...]

Man Shopping

Staying on Budget Say what you will about the shopping habits of men versus women, but there is something to be said about the stereotypical man-shopper.  In the action plan of all our customers, we try to determine how much is spent monthly. Here are a few of the positive tips we can learn from the [...]

The Shell Game

The Shell Game - How your debts are bought and sold Debts are bought and sold like commodities.  The potential return on an investment a company makes on a debt portfolio is the crux of the debt collection market.  Junk debt buyers, who feel they are excluded by the rules set up for actual debt collectors, [...]

What You Talkin’ ‘Bout?

Recently we had a potential customer come to us frustrated.  They took the advice of their realtor to pay off an old collection account.  To their surprise, the result was a drop in their credit score.  How can this be?  They did the responsible thing and paid off a debt collector and it hurt their [...]

Is Age Really Just A Number?

Is Age Really Just A Number? Looking at 78 year Jim Morris, one may consider age is "just a number", but in the credit world, age is definitely more.  When considering debts there are two age limits- or statutes of limitations you want to keep in mind. The first statute is how long a debt [...]

The Power of One

Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta. This is our motto.  This is also the hardest part of our job- instilling change.  What makes the endeavor successful is when the customer learns to grasp how big, little changes can change things. To put things in perspective- 1 meal at home versus eating out per week [...]

The Other 99%

Choosing a credit repair company should be done carefully.  99% of the credit repair companies you see online are fraudulent.  The letter you see in this post was created by a competitor of ours prior to the customer coming to us instead.  It was a letter that was returned to them as a result of [...]

Home Ownership

About to be a homeowner? New homeowners and soon to be homeowners face of a lot of decisions and it can be difficult to sift through all the information to learn what is most important. Are you are about to be a first time home buyer, thinking about buying a new house to upsize, downsize, [...]

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