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I Used Algebra Today!

Curse you Algebra Teacher!!! OK- it happened. I had to use Algebra today. So for all those times when I said, "I will NEVER have to use this crap!"- the truth is "Yes, I did". In case you are wondering, my problem was this: A Delta customer earns $11.50 per hour. But they only work [...]

No Redo Button

There is no redo button. Once something is done, it's done- and with it there are consequences. It could take time and effort to fix the financial mistakes we have made, but the only thing in life that is permanent is death. So as long as you are still breathing- you can change your predicament. [...]

You Can’t Spend Equity

You Can't Spend Equity As a first time home buyer, you can take money from a retirement account without penalty to purchase a home. While this may be a good idea for some, for others the long-term effects could prove otherwise. If you use up your retirement to buy a home, you cannot use that [...]

The Dollar Value Menu

What the Dollar Value Menu Gets You... With every customer, we try to establish a new budget to retain discretionary income. One of the leading areas that we encourage our customers to cut back on is eating out. The problem sometimes is that it actually seems cheaper to eat out. For $1.07 you can get [...]

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