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Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta.

This is our motto.  This is also the hardest part of our job- instilling change.  What makes the endeavor successful is when the customer learns to grasp how big, little changes can change things.

To put things in perspective-

1 meal at home versus eating out per week could translate into saving $2000 per year.

1 overdraft fee per month not paid saves you $384

1 degree of change in the average temperature could cause the polar caps to melt and flood Florida into nonexistence.

1 percent saved for the average Floridian household translates into $630 saved in a year

1 person: Nelson Mandela, Anne Frank, Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan, Jesus

1 is the difference between existence and non-existence

Things are going change no matter what.  The difference you can make is deciding to steer the change into a direction that you want it to go.  It only takes one second.  It only takes one decision.  You can do it.

Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta.

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