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The Psychology of the Shopping Cart

You would not believe the number of studies done regarding shopping behavior and shopping carts. Cart abandonment, drive patterns, the creating of “dead zones” in the aisle, and yes, the quantity of purchasing.

There are two takeaways from these studies we would like to share:

1) Using a larger cart will increase the amount you buy. If you can avoid a cart, avoid it. If you only buy what you can hold, you will buy less.

2) Using a handheld basket leads to unhealthy shopping. This is a result of the discomfort of holding a basket- it leads to “instant gratification” shopping- as a matter of fact, the odds of purchasing vice products at the cashier for a basket shopper is 6.84 times the odds for a cart shopper.

So how do you combat overspending at the grocery store?

1) Come with a list and stick exclusively to the list to limit compulsory shopping.
2) Eat before you shop for groceries. Food looks better when you are hungry.
3) Shop on the same day each week- it will breed consistency in what you are there for.

Make the Choice. Make the Change. Delta.

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