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Support Our Push On Financial Literacy

The scary truth about the current generation entering into the market is that they are not taught how to handle money or manage debt.  To compound the problem, today’s youth is inheriting a fiscal fubar from the previous generations, equipped with hugely expensive health care, skyrocketing costs for higher education, and absolutely no chance of being able to rely on social security once they reach the age when they may need it.

Delta Credit Restoration is committed to arm the graduation class of 2017 with the ammunition they need to fight the inevitable poverty many of the children will face in their lifetimes just to cover the things the generation before took for granted and thwarted with a greater need to satisfy their greed.

Join us.  Help us.  Goto We want to bring this message to local governments and school boards to encourage them to help coach and teach Seniors how to actively manage money.

Make the Choice.  Make the Change.  Delta.

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