We are repeatedly asked, “What is the secret to fixing credit”. The answer is, always and unequivocally, found in one’s bank statements. The cornerstone of any credit repair process is not in the credit report itself. The credit report is simply a report card of the behaviors that led to the information being reported. How you pay the reporting obligations by in large coincide with the other myriad of non-reporting expenses one has throughout the month. It all rests on how you manage your money- how you budget.
Trying to establish a budget, however, is a lot like trying to change the flow of water. Just because you put up a dam doesn’t mean that the water is going to want to change direction. Your budget has a certain inertia.
The key to fixing a budget (and consequently your credit) is to have a practical, flexible budget that addresses both your obligations and your goals. Without it, no “credit repair” process is ever going to do you any good- not long term at least. Yes, you may get a little wet in the process and splash about for a short period of time before you are able to get the water to go in the direction that you want- but you will dry.
If you fix the behaviors of the budget the credit report will fix itself. If you are looking for a way to just “get it all deleted”, you will repeat this cycle every 2-3 years.
Make the Choice. Make the Change. Delta.